Christian County Enterprises, Inc., has been providing purposeful employment for those with disabilities in Christian County since 1986.
About Us – At Christian County Enterprises we employ mentally and physically disabled individuals who are willing and eager to work. Our employees are extremely patient with tedious and delicate handwork. They truly enjoy the sense of fulfillment and self-esteem that comes from productive work. Some of the jobs handled by workshop employees are labeling, sorting, bundling, display building and packaging. Almost any job can be broken down into steps for our employees. Our supervisors help determine the most efficient breakdown of each task and inspect work performed along the way.
By subcontracting repetitive tasks, you can keep your employees challenged and avoid the high turnover rate associated with unskilled laborers. Our dedicated employees thrive performing such tasks. Put a smile on their face.
We take great pride in our work and have an excellent quality control record. You’ll find our rates are very competitive. We provide a large workforce, quality work and on-time delivery. Simply put, we’re an affordable alternative.
Do you have a job you would like to subcontract? Our work area is large allowing us to accommodate a huge variety of ongoing projects. Plus, we’ve got an amazing workforce!
Contact Mike Pace, our director of marketing, at (417) 725-5310.