Donate – Christian County Enterprises (CCE) is a registered 501(c)3 organization which means your contributions are tax deductible. One-hundred percent of your donation is guaranteed to benefit CCE and its employees.
Your donation allows us to enhance the lives of those with physical and mental disabilities by helping to provide a meaningful and rewarding work experience. Last year over 8,000 handicapped employees performed $21 million worth of contract work for customers ranging from small businesses to the state’s largest companies. Christian County Enterprises employs eleven staff employees and sixty team members. You could make a difference in their lives.
While our program is delighted to receive cash donations, there are other ways you can support Christian County Enterprises’ operation. Do you have an old piece of office or shop equipment collecting dust? Give us a call. There’s a considerable chance we could put it to good use. If so, we would be happy to take it off your hands and utilize it to transform the workplace and careers of our employees.